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Friday, August 17, 2007

Lifestyle War

So here I am, chatting in the comments of Gas-doc's blog, when I make a statement that, after I typed it, made me jump in my seat. We are in a Lifestyle War.

Did I dare say it, yep, I sure did. Lifestyle War. We are in a battle to be left alone and live our lives in peace. I say this because there's the smoking thing, because apparently some people are too functionally retarded to see a Smoking permitted sign and go elsewhere...or shouldn't have to go elsewhere. Then there's the Obesity do realize our government is declaring war on us, the citizens, on a fairly regular basis here lately, don't you? I mean, diabetics are assholes, smokers are assholes, fat people are assholes, mothers are assholes. We cause all the world's problems, so therefore we are going to be regulated. We are too fat, too sick, too ewwy. The entire basis of the smoking problem is based on "I don't like the smell". Fat people are gross. Diabetics cost too much. You realize Americans are being punished for 9/11? Yeah, our phones can be tapped without a warrant, we can see every book you check out...the guy who actually DID it? Our government not only has no real clue where he is, but they don't CARE. Gays can't marry. Mothers are being told not to eat too much because they'll get fat. Oh we can't have that!!! FAT PEOPLE!! ARGH!!!!! However, they played with mom's weight back in the 60's and we ended up with a bunch of dying, ill, or defected children. The current weight gain was decided after that. Go ahead moms, worry about your figure...Jr. doesn't really need to be healthy.

To top it off, every bit of it is a lie. You people are being played for fools. I'd laugh, but you idiots are fucking us all over.

What really gets me is while we're worrying about how people look, or how ewwy they are, our kids have become ruder, there is still crime at high rates, people are actually less intelligent (that's what you get for getting your information through sound bites). We are, as a group, actually bigger assholes. But character isn't important, how you LOOK,now that's the real factor huh? We don't even hold our politicians up to any decent kind of standard anymore. Just don't smoke, don't get a blowjob, you're in. You can torture folks, I mean it's not like they are REAL human beings. We have a football player making national news for going to court for abusing his dog while we discuss denying health care to people because we don't like something they do. If we let a dog starve to death, someone gets arrested. But hey, we'll let that person that can't function on any level slowly starve to death because it's not ok to let people be humanely put to sleep. If we let them die, we'll let them starve to death, that's much nicer. We wonder why our kids do so much drugs while we let sports figures "juice up", they don't get fired. Maybe banned a few weeks, maybe dock 10k from their 3.5 million dollar salary. But hey, they WIN..standards be damned.

Do you get it yet? As a country, we are depraved, selfish, assholes..but who cares..we need to stop smoking and fat people!!!!!! Clarion is CHARGING people money (employees mind you) from the paycheck they earn, if they smoke or are fat. That's theft people. But that's ok, we can steal some of their paychecks, because theft is ok when it's something we don't like. We wonder why our children have become such scuzzy little, criminal bastards...maybe that's why. Maybe because you're too busy declaring Lifestyle Wars instead of being a good person.

Don't you ever wonder, if smoking is so horrible, why isn't it banned? And don't give me that prohibition doesn't work shit. It hasn't stopped you on drugs, and backdoor prohibition is still prohibition, except it hurts more because apparently the backdoor is you fucking a smoker in the ass. You take our money, tell us you will take away our rights, want to remove our children.....honey, that's prohibition. Actually that's a pathetic manipulative tactic, but it's ok to manipulate people instead of just remove the problem. It's ok to prohibit it in every way possible, that's not REALLY prohibition. You people really suck at justification. Oh fuck it, I hate you. I hate you all. Not because I'm a smoker, but because I'm a human being. A real one, with standards...and you aren't. You are just a bunch of selfish, egotistical, depraved animals with serious intelligence issues.