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Thursday, January 15, 2009

New drain covers; aka I'm still not watching my kid

Go look then come back and listen.

1. You notice who got affected? "7-year-old granddaughter of former U.S. Secretary of State James Baker" Ok, if you have suffered a tragedy, you shouldn't be allowed to speak for a law until you've passed the grieving. These people are dangerous to fundamental freedoms. They are either manipulators or poor grieving family members USED by manipulators. Either way, they shouldn't be allowed to speak for something until they are thinking reasonably again. Or at least thinking. I've lost someone very close to me. I can assure you that my decision making process was definitely impaired.

2. This happened in a hot tub, not a swimming pool. Believe it or not, there is a difference.

3. Notice there was no lobby for WATCHING YOUR KIDS. Ok, mean me to pick on the family, getting past that, you have to admit that perhaps if you don't allow children in swimming pools alone (or shouldn't), then a hot tub would definitely be out? Or does that make too much sense? I'm not positive, but I think hot tubs are supposed to be unhealthy for little kids anyhow. Why on earth would anyone think it's ok to leave ANY kid out in a container full of water alone anyhow? Even local pools have lifeguards. If kids had good judgement they wouldn't need parents.

Why is the answer to make a federal law telling us what kind of drain techniques we must use and NOT for parents to watch their kids? I understand, you can't watch your kids constantly. I get how even the best parent has something happen. The other day my 2goingon3 got a bottle of Tums. However, *I* didn't go bitching about Tums' not so child safe lid. (He's fine btw)*I* was beating myself up for not keeping a better eye on him. It's not Tums' job to keep these things away from my kids, it's mine. Tums did it's job when it put "Keep out of reach of children" on it. Granted I did put it up, but hey, kids grow and I know that. I should have done a better job. There is a limit to how much we can demand everyone else take the responsibility we are supposed to have. (BTW, Poison Control Center RAWKS)

We should not expect others to change their lives for our children. They are OUR children. WE agreed to change our lives, others did not. To demand that everyone behave as if a child could drop out of the sky any second and your house must be childproofed on that off chance, is going beyond what we have a right to demand. To make a federal law requiring ALL pool owners do something, whether children are allowed around it or not, is just micromanaging. It's a step into shit government needs to stay out of.


Sophistacat said...

"Baker says there should be only one standard: saving children's lives."

That is a fucking scary sentence.

Anonymous said...

My first thought was: "What the hell is a 7-year old doing in a hot tub in the first place, parent or no parent present"?

Once again Jales, you echo my thoughts on this. I'm sick and tired of this "for the children" shit!!!

You want kids, great, raise them, watch them and keep them safe....just stop demanding that I do the same. Rule #1: NEVER leave any child alone around water without adult (key word here is ADULT) supervision.

I raised mine and he's a full grown adult now with his own apartment, severe physical handicap and all.