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Friday, April 03, 2009

Being Different

I was reading about some idiot school that wouldn't let the kids paint Easter eggs because 2 of the kids were allergic to eggs. I wonder how they got along until Easter, because I know eggs were a staple of my school breakfasts.

1. If you don't want to draw attention to your kid, don't make them the center of the fun ruining. If you ruin the fun for everyone because you and your kid can't manage his differences, that makes the other little kids hate him for those differences. Where normally many probably wouldn't notice if he did things a little different himself, they will definitely know of the little kid who was responsible for them losing out. And believe me, they will find out.

2. If you are too incompetent to manage your differences, kill yourself. Don't bug me, just go away. Look I HAVE allergies. I'm allergic to pork, grass, pine, cats, the list can go on and on. I have asthma. I have managed my asthma for 17 years and my allergies all my life without bugging anyone else. I don't stop anyone from doing anything. I don't make it a point to put others out to accommodate my special needs. I handle all this myself. Cuz I'm a big girl. This is while not being able to take asthma medication because I'm allergic to it too. It's called responsibility. Get over it. We are not here to suit you. For every "special need" we are FORCED to accommodate, it's one more "special need" we resent. I have never seen less sympathy for the handicapped, asthmatics, etc than I have in the last 5 years. Even I'm losing my patience with them and I'm one of them. If you're so sick that walking outside can kill you, I'd suggest you stay in the house. I do it every summer while you people manicure your lawns to death, so you don't get any sympathy from me. I grew up with kids with allergies. They worked with parents and teachers to manage their differences and I've never seen a child have a reaction or an attack in school. Of course, teachers and parents weren't as lazy then as they are now, and that may have something to do with it.

3. What is the thing here? Either you don't want your kid to "appear" different or you want thier differences highlighted. "We're going to draw attention to our kid's differences by forcing everyone to do the same thing so they won't notice his differences". Again they WILL find out. There was a doctor, 2 ambulance men, 2 nurses, and 2 parents trying to keep it a secret that a girl got a coke bottle stuck up her hoohaw...the whole school knew about it the next day. She wasn't even entered into the records as what actually happened. She was entered in as appendicitis or something. We still found out. I think kids can manage to find out which retard's parents are causing trouble. And yes, one of my children does have allergies, to red dyes in certain drinks. Before we homeschooled, we managed, even in kindergarten. Her teacher wasn't lazy either.

If you don't want people hated for being different, then don't use their differences to cause trouble. Embrace the difference. You are unique. So what if you're body responds differently to certain things. Fine. Quit making such a big production of it and stay the fuck away from it. If peanut DUST will kill your kid, then maybe you need to take them out of school. YOUR problem, NOT mine or my kids or other people's kids.


dmilton999 said...

[i]If you're so sick that walking outside can kill you, I'd suggest you stay in the house.[/i]

And how am I supposed to make a living, at a high enough salary that I can afford to have everything delivered?

Sophistacat said...

So the entire world is supposed to change so you can get to an office unscathed? Fuck you. Telecommute, you whiner.

Anonymous said...

Learn what medications, precautions you can take to reduce your reactions. Natural is amazing too!

I have a special needs child, seriously physically deformed, and managed to send him to school and saw to it that he received as little special attention as possible. I didn't insist his classmates NOT participate in PE because he couldn't. I didn't insist that they grant him the unreasonably longer time period they wanted for his tests. I made them shorten it down a bit as it wasn't fair to the slower readers in the class that they weren't allowed more time.

There are exceptions, but far too many people these days are far too sensitive to everything, that I'm convinced it's all the chemicals they put in our food and water supply all in the name of keeping us "healthy".

It really is not society's job to manage your issues. IF it were, then nuts and eggs and milk and wheat would be outright banned to protect the few who are allergic.

Personally I'd love most perfumes to be banned as they stink so bad I want to puke. But then where do you draw the line.......I learn to deal.

I have sympathy for those with allergies, but my sympathy flies out the window when it is demanded that I change MY life to accommodate a few who would rather ban everything than deal with their problems.

If you're not willing to do your part to deal with your allergies, why should the world? Eliminating everything just isn't the answer.