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Monday, January 03, 2005

Barely Dressed

Yep, that's its name. I'm not a nice person, I'm a good person, just not a nice one. The two are not synonymous. I have no tact, no diplomacy and I'm old enough to quit giving a shit in trying to having either. I'm 28, btw. Hence the name BarelyDressed. It's presentable, but not what you want to see in nice company. I'm sure everyone will live. If not, oh well.

I have 2 girls, one is 9 (H), one is 11 months (M). I have a husband (S). We live in south Texas, in an apartment. Which sucks, because we moved here from a house and quite a bit of land. I'm spoiled. I need space. I've lived here 2 years, and I see that as quite long enough. We're looking for a house now. I don't like people enough to want to live right on top of them. I don't really like people, to be quite honest. This drives me batshit and hopefully when our lease goes up, we go out. Wish me luck.

As of this moment, this is it. You might see more later, you might not. I may not say anything for a week...then again, as much as I talk, you might see one this afternoon. Guess we'll find out when it happens.