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Monday, January 03, 2005

So soon

One thing I've noticed is there really no way to mark favorites on here. I've found one blog I kinda might want to go back and read, but don't see a way to put the link up without screwing with the template. Don't wanna screw with the template, if I did, I'd do my own design...Ah well I guess...Maybe I'll screw with the template.

It's 3 days past the new year and I've been thinking about the past year and it's disappointments. I'm not talking personal disappointments. Not any of those really, other than my mother and that's not exactly a new situation. I'm talking more about worldwide disappointments.

My faith in the American people wasn't shaken this year, because I'd already lost it. With the bad choices made this year, it's only reaffirmed my belief that I'm surrounded by complete morons. Once again I find myself with a deep abiding sense of being born in the wrong generation. Where is the caring for something bigger than yourself? Where's the sense of tolerance that we supposedly stand for? When did we become so fuckin' selfish of OUR views and OUR beliefs that we insist on foisting them off onto people that don't believe in them? What happened to America? What happened to wanting honesty in our president, dedication to his job, selfless devotion to what America was supposed to be? When did America go from "for the people" to "for certain people"?

We are tearing this country apart in so many ways. Used to be I was a proud American. Now I find myself apologizing ahead of time when I meet new people around the world. We are so afraid of offending someone that we trap ourselves into inaction and waste valuable resources suing over personal choices. We are so busy trying to not offend someone that we take no action, thereby taking the worst action. We've become a bunch of self-pitying ninnies who stand around like 3 year olds insisting "We do this MY way or I'll throw a hissy", said hissy usually including weapons, lawyers, or intimidation.

Values supposedly won Bush the election. What fuckin' values? What I've seen is everyone talking about values, but noone living up to them. Values don't have to include religion or living perfectly. Values mean love your children and spend time with them. Values don't mean we have to return to the 1950's, just spend time with our spouses. Values mean be honest, don't just talk about honesty. Integrity. Teaching those to our children. Mind your own business and take care of you and yours. Who cares what the people next door are doing as long as noone's getting hurt. We're so busy pointing out how others live wrongly that it seems we're forgetting to live correctly ourselves.

What's killing us is not Bush, terrorists, or religion; it's nosiness. Live and let live. Be and let others be. Maybe we're now a nation with too much time on it's hands what with the time saving devices we have. We have time to peak into windows next door and run down the street shouting their sins to the world, whether they are actually sins or not. How many of those shouting "wrong" to everyone have actually looked at themselves and done the same thing? They ignore their faults and find fault in others. We're more interested in making excuses for our administration than seeing the problem with it. We're ignorant and ill-informed and most of us do not choose to be any better informed. Yet we shout our ignorance to the world and ignore the disgusting truths that are hidden, badly I might add. We whisper them if they are spoken of at all and make excuses. We can no longer claim title to "Americans". Americans don't put up with any shit, Americans hold their government accountable, Americans believe in freedom for EVERY man, not just some of them. We are simply lost.