Demo Site

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Ok, let's back this train right on up and do a little exploration. So I find this site and go to get a few laughs and end up in this twilight zone of "family values". If you go to the rants section you find 3 different rants entitled: Swinging in the Burbs--II, Swingin in the Burbs, and Sleeping with our next door neighbor.

Now, you ought to know by now, it's none of my business and I could give a shit what YOU do. However, it DOES bring up a question. Let me show you some quotes here:

I thought I knew our town. It's outside NYC, and it's about the last place in the universe you'd expect this. Daughters of the Revolution, Woman's League. Yes.

My town is totally totally conservative. That's the thing. You'd never think of stuff like this going on. I was stunned at first. But maybe it's these towns that need it most.

some were on the pta! 1 was an asst principal.

i'm screwing my husband's best friend and he doesn't have a clue. if he's going to ignore me, then i'll find what i need elsewhere. hah!

i'm having a fling with a contractor on our street.

definitely screw your husband's friend. no question. how piggish can he be?

And we're worried about gays destroying the "sanctity of marriage"? You're fuckin' with me right? Now, hold on, the reason I bring this up is let's paint us a picture of the Suburbia, Daughters of the Revolution, PTA, etc.

We're talking about people who are usually Christian, white, of course straight (or in denial), y'know who I"m talking about, those screaming about SANCTITY of MARRIAGE. Read that shit again and tell me GAYS will ruin the "sanctity" of marriage. What fuckin' sanctity? Marriage is a joke to the biggest portion of Hollywood, divorce rates are insane, and apparently we have so much fuckin' going on in Suburbia with people outside the marriage that I'm not sure how anyone keeps track who they are married to.

Now, if you want to swing or cheat, your business. Just don't ask me to do it. I'm definitely NOT putting down someone for the sex they have (though if you're a cheater I will stay away from you because noone likes a liar). However, I do wonder how much the sanctitiy of marriage group overlaps the PTA, DotR, suburbia group. And you know they do at least a little, it's the law of averages. Yeah, I know, it should be obvious what a joke marriage is now due to politicans fuckin' around while they try to pass through an amendment saying gays can't marry. But hey, let's say you support that marriage amendment...why don't you rethink your position here? If you look at our media, our politicians, the anonymous rantings of bored suburbians...does your marriage feel like a joke? Mine doesn't. And little newsflash for you: Gays won't make it any less or more a joke than Britney Spears getting married for 2 days for fun.

Anyone who opposes gay marriage (and no, a civil union is not the SAME thing. Otherwise you're wasting our time trying to make a new name for the MARRIAGE of gay people you fuckin' idiot), is a hypocritical bastard. Because until you make divorce and sex outside of marriage (consensual or not) a federal crime, you have NO right whatsoever to deny gays the right to MARRIAGE based on this mythical "sanctity of marriage" bullshit.