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Wednesday, May 06, 2009

If it's not a game, why are you playing?

I've been quiet. We're going to move to Houston soon, and it's a lot of work packing all these people to move.

But in between cleaning and packing and chasing kids I sit down to relax and long on to SL. My second life is far quieter than my first and chatting with my friends is a nice way to chill until my back stops hurting or while I'm having lunch, or quite frankly like today when I was just too tired to get up and do shit. We spend that time doing something together, our new thing is hunts. We comb the grid in search of new shops and solving puzzles. Done correctly we have fun.

Of course, the majority have to do it incorrectly. I've been banned, boohoo, from one sim. Quite frankly, I didn't want to go to start with, but my friends did and so we did. Her stuff is quite substandard and well, I don't DO substandard.

And this will probably get me banned from a whole ton of places, and well, I don't care. The discussion arose on whether or not SL is a game. It does fairly often, and you have your sides on this. I really don't care. It's fun, so I'm not picking a side really. Except when business owners in SL start crap on "this is my JOB!!!" First of all, if you are making money playing World of Warcraft, that doesn't change the fact that it IS, in fact, a game. But most importantly, if it's really THAT serious to you, then why are you treating it like a game?

I have never in my life seen more shoddy business practices than in SL. Like the gal who got her feelings hurt by a customer and so threw the biggest hissy fit, even down to chasing her down on her blog to make it very plain that she wasn't affected REALLY. Even though she dropped out of the hunt and was in tears for just HOURS. And if you want to ban me honey, go ahead, I haven't even been back to your store for the freebies since that stunt.

I love the ones in hunts who make it very clear what's really more important. Foiling the cheaters at the expense of the customers? Really? Because you seem to put more effort into that than in showcasing your product, and most likely I'm going to trash it, unseen, because you're more concerned with cheaters ONLY looking for freebies than you are me, who would have gladly bought those six GORGEOUS things from you until I saw where your priorties as a business owner really are. Not with me, the future customer, but so you can best people who most likely won't ever return? Sorry, I got the landmark and deleted your gift. How do I know if I wasn't cheating? Well to be honest I wasn't. Since the little flowers began coming out and I found one and clicked it to see what it was about, I've been running tests. Solve the clue and then see if you are one of those more concerned with your customers or with getting the best of someone else.

My favorite though, my absolute fave, is the gal who closes her shop at least once a year for 4 or 5 months at a time. She always says when she'll be back, but sometimes she's not back for months after that. Wow, contempt for your customers much? For those of you not clued in, a designer makes her own stuff. So creativity can run short. I get that...but because you aren't "inspired" doesn't mean you shut it all down. The really pathetic part is how many fangirls stand around waiting and being treated like that so they can have "IT". The funny thing is that there's only so many designs out there and well, I can probably get the same thing, cheaper, and better made. But don't worry, I never come to your store either.

If it's not a game, if it's your job, then quit playing and show some professionalism. Most of you couldn't run a business if someone stood over your shoulder giving step by step directions in 2 syllable words. You aren't really "running" one now. You're playing around...badly. You're nothing special. You're failures for the most part, who found a medium that doesn't care. Oh not all designers. Some never had the opportunity, some had a hidden talent..but the majority, you just suck.

"I'm a designer, I have feelings!!" Sweetie, I'm a writer and y'know, that doesn't make a damn when those critiques come in. Don't tell me I don't know what it's like to put my soul in something and have someone say mean things about my work. I'm not even going to say it doesn't hurt my feelings, it does. But I don't throw a hissy and chase them down to prove that they haven't gotten the best of me. I ignore the idiots and try harder for those who at least were constructive. You've put yourself in the position for criticism...grow a skin and get used to it. We aren't here to coddle you. Do your thing or cry, but don't expect me to cater to your feelings.

And for the customer, if you won't accept this kind of behavior from Sears or Red Lobster, why are you letting them do it to you here? There are tons of good creators out there that appreciate YOU and show it, frequently. Cilia'angel? Awesome person, awesome customer service. House of Ruins..awesome eyes, awesome customer service. Caly, Pazazz, Pididdle, Katatonik, Whimsy, Rockberry, Lemania (I don't always like her stuff, but you cannot fault her for her customer service or her work), Stringer Mausoleum, Ema's, Evie's Closet, House of Zen, Nikki Ree, Ova Hauled..I could make a long list. I'm sure you have your own list. They show they care about the customer, we make their business and they know that. They don't give out free stuff necessarily, but they still care and appreciate us. That's where you need to focus. Reward those who remember it's a business and don't act like they are doing US a favor. WE pay them...they aren't paying us. Of course none of these people are going to put up with bullshit, but if you approach them as an adult, they've always responded to me as one.


Anonymous said...

OK, I'm not above admitting I haven't a clue about something. SL "Second Life"? WHAT is SL and/or Second Life?

Enquiring minds want to know...*big grin*

Jalestra said...

Yes, SL is Second Life. It's kind of a second world or "life" where you can be or have anything you want. I got hooked on it years ago because it has MASSIVE potential in the virtual world. The capabilities are pretty great and IMO, it does look better than other virtual worlds.

I became increasingly fascinated with it when I learned to build my own things so I use it as a great creative output. I used to actually own a business there, but shut it down due to RL being more important lol I do still teach there. Which I also find rewarding.

And to add to that, I like building my own little world, or being a part of other worlds others have built. However, the people that run the businesses there, well some of course, not all, can be quite the little nits. I tell you what, if the real world practiced business like some of SL did, our economy would fall apart. There would be daily violence in's really just sad.

I wouldn't mind so much except these designers that are such jerks want to claim "we're a business like any other". I say if you make that claim, then BE a business like any other. Don't try to make me feel bad because this is your RL job too and then treat me substandardly. If you're going to claim different rules though, from the real life business world, then stop trying to get me to treat you like a real life business.

Jalestra said...

PS. Comment moderation has been removed, let's see if everyone can behave themselves and follow the rules of logic and politeness. You know who you are.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the explanation Jales! I never heard of that before so I was quite curious.

OH, Damn, NOW I have to be nice on top of everything else? Geeeeezzzzz take away a girls' fun why dontcha? LOL