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Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Oh yeah, like that's a new title. You come here, you must be looking for daily derogatory comments on the stupidity of human beings. Virginia Tech, let's go THERE. But I'm not going to talk about the shootings. I'm sorry, but if you want me to get riled up at yet ANOTHER psycho, you're sorely mistaken. Quite frankly, I'm pro-death penalty. Before you turn on your wittle knee-jerk screams, realize something: If we KNOW who did it and they did it on this level, they are trash. And do we sit around poking trash? No, we take it out to the dumpster and forget about it. I don't understand why on earth people see death as a torment. It's not, bam, it's over. That's not torture. Torture is making them live, in prison, with men who rape them, living in fear of being "shanked". Of course, we're talking about society that would rather starve Terry Shiavo to death rather than just give her an overdose of some nice drug that makes you go to sleep. Quite frankly, this country sucks when it comes to caring for it's citizens. For a group of people who supposedly don't want to "torment" others, we are ALL about tormenting in the name of progress. Here's a little newsflash for you: 1. Death is not torment. If done correctly, such as say, with a morphine overdose, there's not even any pain. 2. You are some sick fucks that approve of starving someone to death or sticking them where they can be raped and fucked with until they become even worse than they were when they came in. And then to top it all off, you actually BITCH about the cost of maintaining their new homes! And before attacks of what an imhumane, no-respect-for-human life worm I am, maybe you should see it from my point of view: Of course I have no respect for human life, I have respect for human BEINGS. For all that I think most of you can't seem to put their pants on without drooling on them, I don't want to see anyone suffer. A fool that can go to a school and shoot it up has no respect for human beings. He doesn't care about you, he's an animal. He cannot overcome his he-man instincts, in this case "ugh ugh, my woman ugh ugh". If you want to support this guy until he dies of old age, being abused in our prison system YOU pay the taxes, leave me out of it. I'm not in the business of making a monster even more monsterous so he can come kill MY family.

Which brings me to yet another point: I'm not fond of guns myself. There's no real skill involved (yes, I have shot guns. That's two words, I have done the act of shooting guns. I don't own guns). I prefer something with some skill and work to it. I own swords. However, I don't want guns banned, illegalized, or so hard to get you have to suck the president's dick to get one. You know why we have the right to bear arms: So the government is scared of us. And if they ever get not scared, we have the means to fix that. I don't know if you noticed it, but there are people in this world that want to rule you completely (Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Hitler, Stalin, am I ringing any bells here people?). And eventually we're going to have one in our country because you people are a bunch of pussies. I mean, c'mon, Saddam Hussein and his guys were WAY outnumbered by the populous and they were too big of pussies to bring him down. If such a person gets in charge here, OUR FAULT. And while I may not own a gun, I want to be able to get my hands on one fairly quickly. And if I don't, well I hope there are still some Americans left that want to take that person down. Now, you know our military, and if we were ever to get such a person in office, then you should realize that without an equalizer we'll never be able to take them without huge losses of life. I would hope we'd try, but it will be devestating going up against a tank with a baseball bat. Not to mention, any ruler that wants to take away our guns, we should be very afraid of. That person wants unhindered access to a slave population. I am sure YOU think we are too progressive for that and for a revolution, I however am quite willing to realize the foibles of human beings, and that we're not too progressive. We're talking of a group of people who haven't stopped hating, they choose more socially acceptable ways of hating (wishing violence on smokers here lately guys?) Human beings are more than capable of trying to rule over others, and I have proof: Domestic violence. Put that guy in charge of a country, do you really think he's going to treat YOU better than his wife? And don't give me that checks and balances bullshit, hasn't worked to well LATELY now has it? It's quite easy for me to foresee the appearance of a dictator before the end of my own life. Because look at how far the current administration has pushed things and you can't even get the balls up for an IMPEACHMENT. Anyone else is going to look at that and see what I see: Not only will you cheer as you vote a dictator into office, you'll HELP him take your rights away. Fuckin' morons. Our educational system is so fucked up you don't remember how Hitler became the leader of Germany.

So onto my last point: You fools really believe that making guns illegal will help a damn thing. OMFG. You ARE morons. Hello, War on Drugs? Huge War on Drugs, we have guys whose job is to do nothing but catch folks bringing drugs into the country. How come I can take a half hour drive and score any drug under the sun? Oh yeah, that's working out REALLY well. You really think, that a guy determined to go out and cause as much damage as possible in the name of his cause is really going to be stopped by LAWS? Because if you do, you're a bigger idiot than I thought! I mean, he's already on his way to break a couple of laws, do you really think he's going to stop and say "Oh shit, guns are illegal, gotta ditch this plan". As Sophisticat so aptly pointed out (link to your right), people determined to do damage go where? WHERE THERE ARE NO GUNS! So some of you will say he was looking for a chick and he went where the chick was. Well, if the chick had been at a police station, do you really believe he'd have gone THERE and shot up the place? I'd be willing to bet he would have at least thought twice about it, and I'm pretty confident he'd have thought "fuck that". These guys want to go out on THEIR terms. Just because a guy is suicidal doesn't mean it doesn't matter WHERE their suicidal. Case in point, terrorists can be suicidal in the name of a cause..does that mean they will go home and kill theirselves? Hell no, proof, 9/11. They go where they can suicide with a point. It's pointless to suicide in a police station. You'd most likely never meet your main objective. (Actually, the part Sophisticat pointed out is that these people never shoot up police stations because police stations have guns. *I* took it a step further and this is in no way saying he agrees with me.) Only a complete moron could possibly believe that taking away people's guns will stop criminals. Instead it will only declare open season on the populous. Look, I'm from Texas (yeah well, that's not why I support gun ownership. I have my own brain, TYVM and I detest guns, but I'm not so stupid as to not see where their positives are), I see a few things. Like, if you own a gun, you're less likely to get robbed. And generally you only get robbed ONCE, when you shoot the SOB. People tend to see you shoot a guy and think "Shit, then he'll have no problem shooting me too". Not everyone wants to die for a cause or a tv. While you're thinking to yourself "What about all the innocent folk that were accidentally shot with a gun" I can point out the times a citizen with a gun saved a life. And don't bring up that bullshit about "But kids accidentally shoot each other". Would you like to know why? Because YOUR a jackass. EDUCATION. My children can be left alone with guns, except the 1 year old, but in a year, he can be left alone with one too. And why can we leave OUR kids alone with guns? EDUCATION. My kids have always been taught that GUNS are NOT TOYS. They have toy guns, but they recognize the difference between a toy and the real thing, and the one time they saw a toy, we'd already taught them "better safe than sorry" and they didn't touch it. Why? Because education stops a lot of tragedies, and I'm not afraid to RAISE my children to adulthood instead of protecting them from society. I PREPARE my kids for real life. And in real life you should NEVER pick up a gun and investigate it. ASSUME it's what it looks like, a tool that can greatly harm people. It's not different from teaching them not to hit people with daddy's golf clubs. Children are exposed to potential weapons all their lives, and some are quick weapons. Drop a toaster in your bath, not quite as fast as a gun, but faster than stabbing someone and you can completely take them by surprise. So how many kids go dropping toasters into bathtubs "on accident"?

Which brings me to a point I didn't think of: With the fact that you can get on the internet and in less than a minute have the recipe for making your very own homemade bomb, do you really think the lack of access to guns is going to be a big crimestopper? I mean really, how many people can you shoot in a minute vs how many you can blow up in 15 seconds. These people ALWAYS find a way. I suppose you'd have felt much better IF by chance gun illegalization worked, if this guy would have had a bomb instead? We lost at least 32 human beings and what 20 hurt but recoverable with A gun. Bomb? I definitely say the loss of life would be considerably higher.

I hope I've made SOMEONE out there think all this out. I'm not the best speaker in the world, but anyone with half a brain has a good starting off point on each subject. Maybe it's time to abandon the knee jerk screams and put some thought into the actual intelligence (or lack of) in your positions. Of course, many of you won't, you're too stupid, but hey, here's hoping...


Sophistacat said...

I think you and I should get to decide who's allowed to reproduce. I'm pretty sure our lists would be eerily similar.

Women on the Verge said...

Yes, yes, yes on everything!!!Especially on banning guns. I don't get how people seem unable to make the connection that we are being TRAINED to fear guns... let's see... if I were going to be dictator what would I do...hmmm... 1. make sure the schools churned out sheeple incapable of critical thought,and 2. train them like Pavlov's dogs to be afraid of weapons, ESPECIALLY guns to insure that they would never rise up against my dictatorship!! Seems like they're using the same handbook...