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Monday, April 16, 2007

Ron Luce

Just go read the article about he and his church in the newest issue of Rolling Stone. I supposed I could cover his idiocy point by point, but I"m not sure where exactly to start. However, if you have half a brain you should be able to read the article and see why I think it should be criminal to teach children religon....ANY religion. I don't care if you're a peaceful Buddha...NO religion, then we can't fall so easily into this type of brainwashing. And for you Christian folk, you know where god said Beware false prophets? I'm pretty certain this is the guy he had in mind...or one very like him...of course for law suit purposes I want you to be sure this is just MY opinion. And in my opinion, I'm offended on behalf of Christians. The real ones, you know Jesus said "Love thy neighbor". The Jesus who wanted peace? Yeah, that guy.

We're talking about a guy who says that his calls for battle "are not a metaphor". And for those of you saying "Rolling Stone had an agenda", this isn't the first time, or the only place I've seen the type of crap Luce spews. I don't need RS for that, quite frankly, I just have to look at the website and know quite enough. Probably because I'm an adult and have an IQ over 50, not blinded by religion. And that's not necessarily to say religion is blinding, but when you leave no room in your head for people of other faith, it just makes it easier to suck you in. You're too busy reading about God to read about the brainwashing techniques used to draw you away from him. And justify it with well, Satan's work. So let's go takea look at the website:

"A stealthy enemy has infiltrated our country and is preying upon the hearts and minds of 33 million American teens. Corporations, media conglomerates, and purveyors of popular culture have spent billions to seduce and enslave our youth. So far, the enemy is winning." --So here's our nebulous enemy. And it includes the whole world! You can't get a good fear induced hysteria without the fear part. And it's cool leaving the enemy pretty vague, because then you can steer your screeching mob to whatever target is pissing you off at the moment. I got a newsflash for you all, most of us could really give a shit who you worship...we don't want to take your wittle god away. If there is any animosity, well, ti's because you're trying to take OURS away. See, if you make America Christian, what's going to happen to those of us that just want to worship our version of god? Yeah, see, THEN we might get mad. But if you just hush up and worship YOUR god, we will hush up and worship ours and all will be well. Why is it only Christians have a problem living beside other faiths in America? Oops, getting sidetracked..moving on.

HUGE EVENTS--It's time to stir up the sheep...tribal speaker beats, loud music, a building filled with so many you can barely makes you feel closer to GOD! No it doesn't, there's always a huge rush in such a situation. Ask any atheist that has been to a rock concert...yours is just more extreme because you have some idiot stepping in every so often to target your feelings for you. See, we don't have that, frankly because we don't need someone to rile us up for our religion. 1. We do not need to be targetted so we can fill our religion, we don't need to have a big group to be a part of to know our religion is real. We can be totally alone and still feel that our religion is worthwhile. 2. We also do not need a huge group of people to behave just like us so we aren't tempted. We tend to have minds of our own and accept our own blame if we believe we have "sinned". We do not need to blame it on some anti-god.

Testimonials--Ah yes, we need to let you know that it works, even though it never works for you right now, we have some fake stories here that will show you this really works. If it doesn't work for you the fault is in you, not our beliefs. See, this is a nice "trust me" and self flagellation all rolled into one. You are all just dirty sinners, worthless, but that's ok, because god loves you. You are unacceptable, but we accept you anyway. Umm..this is a big fat duh..give the outcasts a place to be accepted, a WAY to be accepted, and most will run after it and buy up all the tinfoil hats. Appealing to the most basic fear in human beings, that noone really accepts us. And when you harass others to come join your crusade, well, you can feel secure as all your intelligent friends abandon you, that its THEM, because you have just tons of friends in brainwash central!

Now, there's one more, but it can't be just some one word, this is most interesting. If you have a war that includes EVERYTHING around you, then nothing can be trusted. And noone can be trusted, except those in your little group...everyone else is out to tempt you. So you get no exposure to new ideas. Media is against you, your parents, your schoolbooks. All out to "get you". The parent thing is very odd (especially since BattleCry appears to encourage youth to go around parents if necessary) considering one of God's top commandments (#5) says Honour thy mother and thy father. But of course, you're only parent is Father-God...I knewthere was a reason you pray like that.... Anyhow, no exposure to new ideas means noone to disagree with your figurehead. Then he doesn't have to worry about you wising up and taking your money back to the Gap, where he won't get his cut. Not to mention, he gets to keep you in the fold, where you belong, worshipping him.

Y'know, I notice a lot of military language in BattleCry..perhaps a subtle (ok, not so subtle to those of us not brainwashed and with an IQ over 50) way of getting a military mindset. BTW, I watched that commercial with the kids standing around holding signs with their little nuggets of "information" on them. I'd like to know what is with the chick holding "1/3 has been raped" that insinuating that it's because you weren't falling down to pray? Because I got a fuckin' newsflash for you: It happens whether you pray or not. ANd it has NOTHING to do with god. I've known a VERY religious, modestly dressed (yes Christian) woman who was raped twice. Does that mean she didn't fuckin' pray hard enough? Fuckin' sickos. And I'm not sure what that "53% of us believed Jesus sinned" means. The only possible thing I can think of is his alleged marriage to Mary Magdalene believed in some circles..and if he was MARRIED to her, then they don't believe he sinned. And "65% of us say there is no way to know which religion is TRUE"..well, newsflash, unless god painted it in neon in the clouds, that's a true statement. We don't. There is NO modern day proof of ANY religion. There is NO scientific proof that one religion has it right.

So yes, I'm watching my children closely. It's bad enough you get the right to subject my child to abuse whenever you like...but if they are going to follow the Christian religion, they are going to do it by Jesus. I'll make damn sure of it.

And if you feel the need to post something hateful, you Christians that so enjoy doing that, please do. I need not only another reason not to become one, but I just LOVE seeing you abandon Jesus and show what you truly are.


Anonymous said...

If I may, I'd just like to clear something up that seems to have really upset you, but that I think you misunderstood. I don't imagine that those signs saying 1/3 are raped were meant to mean that praying enough would somehow prevent you from being raped. I think the point is that if we are all pursuing the holiness of Jesus Christ through a personal relationship with Him than the number of us who would be sick enough to rape another would be drastically decreased. Do you follow?

I'm sorry that the "church" has hurt you so badly. I can tell that you trust in Jesus to a certain extent. The church is made of humans and is therefor foulable - the Bible does say that the church is the bride of Christ though. Any way, God bless.

Anonymous said...

When you say for us to hush up and worship our God in quiet and then everyone else will shut up and worship ours makes no sense to me. I'm only 15 though so you probably dont care for my opinion but im going to give it anyway cause i can. Kay? Thanks. If we were to be silent about God and keep him to ourselves, that is not what God has intended for us to do. He wants us to go around and shout his word if we have to. The purpose of us Christians is to get others to follow and join God. We're his disciples and that is what we are meant to do. Sorry you feel so negatively about that though.
God Bless

Anonymous said...

god doesn't want you to spread his message - the religious morons who brainwashed you want you to spread the message.