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Friday, May 25, 2007

In all fairness

The national office of the ALA has seen the ad and pulled it from the air and YouTube. They apologized and expressed their disgust.

To quote Dr. Siegel (link on the right)

Apparently, the spot was produced by an ALA affiliate, and the national office was not aware of it until seeing my blog post this morning.

I will post a statement of regret from John Kirkwood, the president and CEO of the ALA, momentarily.

I applaud the American Lung Association for pulling the ad, expressing its thoughtful sentiments, and for its sincere apology.

ALA, John, this is called "damned if you do, damned if you don't". You're own fault however. You have spent so much time lying, I don't believe your sorry for your, albeit distant, involvement in this commercial. I think you're only sorry it wasn't the reaction you hoped for. I like this quote from a reader over at Doc's website:

The lies and frauds of the antismoking movement go beyond the damage to science: they hurt people and they hurt our society. The action of the ALA with regard to this ad is commendable, but I wouldn't give them an award any more than I'd pin a ribbon on a soldier who spared a month old newborn after gunning down its mother and a half dozen of its 1 to 8 year old siblings.

Michael J. McFadden
Author of Dissecting Antismokers' Brains"