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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Various things

I got a bit upset at the Doc (Doctor Seigal.linked), so haven't been hanging out at his site here lately. I'm sure he saw it as an overreaction...but y'know...when you start bringing words like "normal' into, that means someone that's not following your guidelines is "not normal". Let me at least put the comment:

With that said, I do not suggest that people will get used to it overnight. But over time, they will. I remember a time when people would have said that smoking in a restaurant was inherent to dining. Or inherent to flying in an airplane. People are able to adapt to these changes. Over time, yes. But social norms can and do change.

Social norms...yes they can and do change, but to put it like this change is "good" and "welcome" is beyond the pale. It's neither. For one, it appears with such a comment that society's idea of normalcy wins. But you can't get two people to agree on WTF normal is. And for society as a whole to be identified as "normal" then there must be those opposed to societal norms and therefore "not normal". By showing agreement with this, you are showing that there are folks you consider "not normal". And well, I got a bit fact, I said, and believe, it's the most hateful thing Doc has written. Actually, considering THIS is the most hateful thing I think he's written shows how nonoffensive he actually is. However, I suppose I expected more of him. It's so easy to label those who don't agree with "society" as the outcasts, the freaks, the wierdos. Howeve,r while society occasionally does do something right when the social norm NATURALLY changes, for the most part its just a bunch of idiots who are being led around by the nose, yet again. While for the good you have elimination of slavery, you also have Prohibition for the bad. Social norms are no indication of anything except how far you can manipulate society. And one's person's "normal" is another person's "FUREAK!".

Which moves us right sure to read the recent Fundie Watch about the Hate Crimes bill. I won't try to go into it, because Watcher has, as usual, addressed it in his much more pointed fashion...but I do encourage you to read it...well. As I said, one person's "normal" is another person's "FUREAK" and well, I found one of my freaks at Faith 2 Action. Just go read it...

In other news, the Disney channel is pushing it's own brainwashing...yeah, it has been really, but this one really pisses me off. My kids like Little Einsteins and the Mickey Mouse show...then we flip it over to Nickolodean. However, I noticed the two little shits doing a "for your own good" clip and stopped to watch. Most of this stuff you roll your eyes and move along. I think my teachings will go much further than Disney's in my house. It wasn't WHAT they were saying, because I happen to agree with a good portion of it, it's HOW they go about doing it. I have a huge objection to my children getting the idea that it's ok to dress me down like they are the parent because some cartoon shows it's ok if it's for the "right" reasons. Encouraging children to, even politely, chew their parent out is, to me, a very bad idea. Like we as parents don't have enough trouble getting around their peers, now we have cartoons with what appears to be two 4 year olds telling dear old dad that he's breaking the rules and that they have *every* right in the world to jump his ass. Newsflash, they don't. I'm an adult, if I choose to break a rule, then I will be living with the consequences. This whole thing about adulthood is supposed to be the idea that you don't *need* parents anymore (hear that you busybodies?). We're supposed to be able to make our decisions and live with the consequences (hear that you wienies?). While it is one thing for my child to bring something to my attention, it's a whole 'nother for them to TELL me what I can and cannot, should and should not, do. Last I checked, I was the parent. I get to tell YOU what to do. I try to raise my kids with a mutual respect for the most part...but there are limits. My job is to guide my childrento become productive adults that can live with THEIR own choices. And hopefully impart a basic guideline of what "good" is. Me, the one with more experience in how the world works and what it requires to live in it. To fill them with these ideals, and not with the whole story is ridiculous. Yeah yeah, don't litter is a fine lesson to teach. But don't have children chewing out their parents, and tell them they don't need NEW laws, just folks with the balls to enforce the old ones. And don't fuckin' tell my kids to tell me how to vote. If I'm not going to listen to George Clooney, I'm damn sure not going to listen to my 11 year old who's only seeing half the story. Y'know, there should be laws against you type of people....if you can't appeal to the public with honesty and truth and let us make our own decisions, then you probably don't have a legitimate fact to stand on.

As far as society, well, if you act stupid, they treat you stupid. So quit acting stupid. You know why we're suffering from all the things we are now? Because YOU'RE an idiot. The government and the media have seen how you let yourself be manipulated...Don't get mad at them because they USE that knowledge. You've been so stupid in the last 12 years that well, they believe your stupid. And apparently, you are.

That goes for the anti-smokers too!


Sophistacat said...

*holds lighter aloft in the air - pausing just long enough to light a cigarette*