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Friday, May 25, 2007

Letter from a former student asshole

This is totally Sophisticat's fault. He linked, I read, I love it..however, some things I'd like to address...this might take a while:

To my college professor's:

My first English 2 class:

1. "In your attempt to be witty you failed utterly". Well, in your attempt to read my mind, you failed utterly. I was not attempting to be witty in the slightest. I was not thinking "clever" that day. I was thinking: a. Gotta write this English paper b. gotta dump our laundry in the bathtub and do the twist (hehe, no washer and dryer, no car, hey, you work with what you got) c. I have to walk to the nearest store, 3 miles away with a 1 year old to get her milk. JUST milk, and will I have time to go ahead and do a LITTLE shopping just to save myself some effort? d. How to do my computer homework with no computer and, possibly, no electricity e. Do you really, really think you did your best work on this book? I mean, I understand why you didn't entitle it Ode to My Ego, but it really would have saved us both some time and intense frustration. Or at least be prepared for my critique of your various misspellings, inaccurate "facts" (which was being polite), and complete disregard for the language that, not only we all have agreed on, but is also the SUBJECT YOU TEACH.

2. I didn't transfer out of your class and retake it the next semester because you gave me a bad grade. I transferred out because YOU CAN'T TEACH. My other instructor was much better. I know you are contemptuous of him because he's a hippie, however, he's a hippie that can TEACH and I'm glad I dropped your class for his. I actually learned something. Even if I did feel my grades were less than desirable. *sniffles*

To my computer instructor:

You are a doormat, but the sweetest doormat in creation. In the 4 years of attending a variety of your classes, I learned nothing. That's not your fault. I am a failed genius with no social skills. And it has nothing to do with the fact that I missed pretty much EVERY class. I think I proved with my work being turned in and the tests results that I knew the material. Did you know I could test out of those classes? I didn't. I was completely unprepared for college due to my own faults and the faults of public education. YOU are the only reason I made it through college at all with my amazing amount of issues. Yes, even in the classes that you weren't teaching. Thank you for the sheer amount of office hours you devoted to meeting me on the phone at my neighbor's house because I couldn't trudge the 6 miles to the college that day with a toddler in a stroller due to rain, intense heat, or later, due to the being so doped up on vicoden I don't even remember the last 2 years of college. I hope you felt vindicated when I underwent 2 surgeries. I always wanted you to know I wasn't just another BS'ing student, just one trying so hard to get through college. I hope I didn't cause you any frustration, but I'm sure I did and I'm heartily sorry.

To public school teachers:

1. To my high school English teacher (yes, for 3 years I had the same one), I'm still very sorry I said that your morning perkiness made me want to pick you up and shake you like the bell you were shaped. You were a good teacher and I was a shitty person. I still am a shitty person, but not nearly so much, thanks to you. Just because the biggest portion of my teachers up until then had been so stupid I'm surprised they could muster the effort to drool gave me no right to take it out on you.

2. To the first of my 9th grade English teachers: I am not sorry I wrote "Mrs. Smith is a bitch" in lipstick on the bathroom mirrors (yes, all of them). I am only sorry that a. I was too principled to do it anonymously b. that there wasn't enough room to write the reasons why you were such a tremendous cunt and c. That I felt it necessary to do it by graffiti instead of newspaper and causing the school janitor a obscene amount of work. I do not know why you felt it necessary to side with the "cool" kids in the daily harassment and abuse of myself and the exchange student. Your active participation begged for some kind of response, and unfortunately I was powerless to do more than what I did do. I'm not sorry I was so much smarter than you, I'm only sorry you were too intent on being the "smartest" than to appreciate the challenge that lay before you. I did not excel in the gifted English class they later placed because my teacher was "easygoing"...I succeeded because he was a wonderful teacher excited about what he taught. His excitement was catching. Estrella shouldn't have been degraded and abused for not knowing the language perfectly. There were Mexicans that grew up in our country in that class that didn't have the handle on the language she did. I tried to get her out of that class..but again, I was powerless. Which brings me to:

2. Mr Green...(yes, that's his real name). I am not sorry that while trying to figure out where to put me for my in school suspension for the above behavior that I told you that you were "a fucking drooling idiot who wouldn't know his asshole from a hole in the ground" and "a mean spirited dick head looking for a reason to shit in someone's hat". I am not sorry you decided on a complete suspension. I am sorry I took it the superintendent, not because she did such a good job of addressing most of my problems with yourself and the English teacher, but because she made you move on to another school. Why you chose to follow me and harass me at my next school is beyond my comprehension. Luckily that school quickly realized you were a drooling idiot as well. I am sure you were very dismayed when, in spite of your slander and harassment, I flourished under the tutelage of my Spanish teacher. I am also sure that you were highly pleased when you called my mother and made her come up to the school because I had "ripped the entire office to shreds and thrown an extremely large book at you and you were contemplating involving the police". My mother is NOT sorry she came up there, glanced around the office in which I sat utterly clueless, noted the perfect organization and calmness in the office, and proceeded to inform you that I was correct, you ARE a drooling idiot and a prick to boot. Why you thought my mother would side with you I have no idea. While the woman did not graduate high school, she was surely no idiot. Also, she was fully aware that if I decided to get in trouble I would not half ass it so badly that you would have the office completely organized and calm in the 15 minutes it took her to drive up there. I am aware that you were probably devastated to find that all adults did not share in the sheer stupidity you yourself flaunted so proudly. I am also not sorry for the multiple times I loudly informed you that looking at the legs of teenagers and up their short skirts was extremely inappropriate. I am very sorry I was not aware that this is one of the signs of a pedophile looking for a place to happen. If I had been, I may have found evidence that you had acted on your feelings and had you arrested, thus removing any ability to harass, and possibly sexually abuse, these kids in the future. I am also not the least bit sorry that drawing so much attention to your behavior that it did at least get you removed from my school. It wasn't my accusations that done you in, it was getting caught while being watched BECAUSE of my accusations.

To all those I wrong who should have been wronged: I'm not sorry, I never will be. You just happened to have a student that didn't give a shit. You made sure I didn't trust another teacher, even the good ones. So I had nothing to lose by proclaiming your faults as loud and offensively as I could. Most of you, admittedly with my help, had already made sure my record showed me as anti-authoritarian and anti-social as possible. While I will take full responsibility for choosing to live up to these characterizations, you are the ones who made sure my reputation proceeded me.

To all those I wronged and didn't deserve it: I'm sorry. I take the majority of the responsibility for my behavior. While those above may have done their part to make sure I viewed you all as shitty and incompetent as them, I am the one who chose the behavior I exhibited.

My problems started in the third grade because a teacher took an extreme disliking to me and decided I deserved to be punished, often, corporally. I always saw school as a great place up until then. It was the greatest place. I could read and learn all I wanted to and I escaped being home where I was beaten. When the beatings started at school, you betrayed me. I was nice once. It was downhill from there. I know that's where the rock started down the hill. I was a good student and never missed a day, and that turned the other kids against me. I was a genius in my element. I didn't like being picked on by anyone and well, I chose the route of an asshole. I chose to half ass most of school, I was encouraged in this half assed behavior by all but 2 of my teachers, and the sum made the student you saw before you.

So I read RYS and find myself nodding, and sometimes feeling a bit ashamed of myself.

And maybe tomorrow I'll go into the horridness of public schools today and myself on the parent end of it.