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Monday, February 26, 2007


I've been reading a new in the side pocket there. It's an old entry on this fundie's problem with "profanity". And I kind of felt the need to leave a comment, but why? But I did feel the need to point something out:

Ok, so I admit I probably wouldn't use FUCK so much if people hadn't managed to make it so FUN. To address several points about profanity:

1. Fuck sounds great. Darnit just doesn't really get the point across. FUCK..well listen to it, it's a very harsh sounds good when you've been frustrated beyond all reasonableness (is that a word? I don't care, it is now).

2. Yes, it gets attention, and makes it painfully aware how you feel about the subject. I will admit it's overuse is making that more difficult, BUT, I have no qualms with that. I still like the word.

3. However, I do not think (hmm..hold on, I just hammered my thumb, and it hurts like hell, what's a good way to get attention..oh, of course, I'll yell FUCK!). I really don't. What I'm actually thinking is "FUCK! That fuckin' hurt!" I don't know why every time I hammer my thumb, stub my toe, chop off a finger (yeah I'm exaggerating, but my dad did almost lose his thumb and what he said first was FUCK, so I probably would too) I say FUCK. But I do. I could no doubt try to consciously change what I yell, but name me one person that stops to think after they stub/hammer/etc. I have a feeling I'll be using "fuck" for a long time to come. It's ingrained, for whatever reason, and since I'm not hurting anyone, well, fuck it.

4. The biggest point, YES, if it hadn't been made SOOOO interesting, I probably wouldn't use it any more than I use any other word. Quite frankly, that's your fault. Not me saying it, just you making it so fuckin' interesting. One thing I've learned with my children: if you don't make the word interesting, with interesting things happening when they say it, they don't really say it. My kids did the same thing they do with every word they learned: you say it a few times, turn it over in your mouth, and when it becomes just another word, you stop. What's funny is I *permit* it and they don't curse at home all the time. My mother-in-law freaks out over it and you guessed it--instant grandma attention getter! They curse at her house all the time. I told her to stop it, she's just making it worse, but *shrugs* I guess she doesn't seem to get it.

Quite frankly, this is all your fault. It's just a word. Who decided it was a "bad" word? Is there even such a thing as a "bad" word? Did "fuck" go rob a bank and kill innocent people or something? Words only have the power you give to them. If you make it a "special" word, then it has the power to offend and harm. Black people wanted to take back "nigger", make it something that couldn't hurt them. Except they fucked up, it's still "special", because if a white person uses it, then black people get pissed off and offended. It's still a power word.

Retarded didn't use to be a power word, just a descriptive one accepted everywhere. Now because people use it to insult people of little intelligence, it's become a power word and we had to make up a new "acceptable" word. Guess what, now people of little intelligence are called mentally challenged, do we get yet another "acceptable" word (ok, that one is two words, but I don't write the rules) and another "bad" word? How stupid is that?

Perhaps, maybe we should just stick to the words we have. Quit making words so crazy. I admit words carry some weight. But it's HOW you say those words, what YOU mean by them. I think context is what carries the real weight. I mean, if a person goes up and calls another person a retard I think it's real easy: If he's a retard, then well, he's a retard. If he's not a retard, then that guy calling names has problems and we just won't hang out with him.

It doesn't matter if I call you a poopiehead or a shithead, either way I think I've made it clear what I think of you.

Edit: While I take all responsibility for all bad grammar and mispelled words, please realize 2 things:

1. I have small children, I type fast in short bursts.
2. I have conjuncitivitis and while they say that doesn't interfere with your vision, well something is....


Anonymous said...

Barelydressed! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog! I hope you'll check back frequently!

I find your in-your-face style absolutely refreshing, and I enjoy the absolute fuck out of your posts :) You're kind of like Mike Malloy, if he weren't hampered by the FCC.

Since one good turn deserves another, I've added you to my blog list. I'll be around, and I hope you will too!