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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

John Edwards

Ok, well, John Edwards...I'm ambivalent toward John Edwards. He seems ok, but I worry about how religion would influence his politics. He seems sincere.

Starting with John Edwards stance on the issues, I really like how his site has it vey clear where to find them. Just go to About, and Issues. 100 is our max, so he doesn't gain any, but hey, doesn't lose any either.

So, here's what he's about and my comments on each:

Restoring America's Moral Leadership in the World--Ok, that's a pretty arrogant statement IMO. Who said we were really the moral leaders? Ok, so we do good things sometimes, but I don't think I'd place us as the top of the moral tree. Arrogance of the statement aside, quite frankly I think we better clean up our OWN morals before we try to set an example for others. He has removing our troops from Iraq there...what he has is a bit closer to a plan, but it's not a plan, another idea. 1 point off, while it's better than Hillary, it's not much better. 99..

Naturally Health Care falls in's a "key" issue--Ok, he gets his point back for having a REAL plan. However, I think we could fix this whole health care issue by not allowing insurance companies and hospitals to gouge the living fuck out of the public. And if it doesn't fix it (though I really think it would), it will come pretty damn close. I'm not sure if I approve of yet more tax cuts. And I don't agree with requiring all Americans can get it. If your plan turns out shitty, well, those that can't afford it are fucked again. Why don't we do a test run and then pay it out. My husband keeps telling me health insurance is not a secret mafia demand for protection money, requiring all Americans to pay for health care does not reassure me he's right.

Eliminating Poverty--Poverty is a very important issue, and he's got a very good, idea that states its goals clearly. But it's still not really a plan. And, not to be a party pooper, but you can't eliminate poverty. It's one thing for us as a nation to help out those that had something bad happen and make them poor. But this doesn't tell us if this plan also applies to those lazy ass bastards who are poor because they don't *want* to work. You know one, I know several, c'mon, do YOU want to support that guy/chick?

Strengthening America's Middle Class--First of all, if you were to actually eliminate poverty, would there be a middle class left? Just curious...this is worse than no plan, this is criticizing our current way of life, but not suggesting even ideas on how to fix it. He says what our goal should be, but how will John Edwards help us achieve that goal? 10 points off for no idea...90

Leading the Fight against Global Warming and Our Addiction to Foreign Oil--I know dick about global warming..I hear all kinds of shit and quite frankly, I have not done the research to come to an informed opinion. I have a feeling the whole things been fucked with so much that I probably won't actually get an informed opinion. However, I'm all for doing things to keep our earth healthy. I completely agree about fighting against our reliance on foreign oil, hell, I want to fight our reliance on oil period. I'm with him on this one. No real plan, but really is this something you CAN plan for? Or just work toward it? I vote give him a break on this one.

I think it's cool he addressed man issues that aren't THE issues...but naturally I want more. I want to know about key issues and small issues. Off to the next step...Since he stated his issues clearly, I actually don't have to do a search through his speeches and such, so we can move right along to his voting recrod at

Oh, wow, I may have to redo Hillary's posting...I should have explored this site more. Well, her'es some more on how Edwards feels (note this is not his voting record, just the stance he takes. If you click on Edwards' name, you can read details):

I support a woman's right to choose and believe this that right is constitutionally protected. I also support funding for family planning.--Hmm..10 points back..not for agreeing with me, but protecting the individual. For what's it's worth, I'm pro-choice, anti-abortion. In fact, I've never met anyone pro-abortion. This means, I support a woman's right to choose, *I* would never choose abortion. But I do not deny that another woman should have the right to choose it, nor will I, or have I, judged her for her choice on it. SOME of us mind our own business and just be there for those we love.

At first I was a bit concerned over the fact that all the budget questions were not answered, however he leaves some information at the bottom: I have laid out a detailed agenda on taxes and spending. My plan includes: increased funding for education, health care, homeland security, and other priorities; funding for a strong national defense; tax fairness, including repeal of the Bush tax cuts for those making over $200,000; and tax cuts for the middle class and working poor. Hmm..well, if there is a detailed agenda, may I suggest putting it up on your website? I did not see a detailed plan. Perhaps though, I missed it. I would suggest putting it up in your navigation bar. Some of us want to see plans, others just want to know you have one, any one, after Bush. 20 points for saying you have a plan, but not leaving it where we can read it. You can't say "I have a plan trust me", ok, you can SAY it, but don't expect intelligent people to actually trust you. You're a politician.

I support a ban on contributions by federal lobbyists to federal officials, public financing of elections, and other measures to reduce the influence of special interests in Washington. I strongly supported the McCain-Feingold bill. I believe in equal rights and dignity for gay and lesbian Americans. --Oh wow, I'm sorry guys, I won't do anything about points with this one as I'll be so damned biased...but I've always DREAMED of banning contributions by federal lobbyists and public financing of elections. I mean I'm creaming all over myself as we speak....Ok, I know the McCain-Feingold bill tries to address this, but it's pretty soft IMO. I of course support gay rights and glad to see him do it, but many people have been fighting for this and the recognition that gays aren't treated equally doesn't wet me enough...a monkey could see that..a DEAD monkey could see that. The fact that ANY politician is talking about coming down hard on the "donations" the politicians get is awesome...And if he actually was to DO it...I think it would kill me...

I support greater emphasis on drug treatment and elimination of mandatory minimums for certain non-violent crimes. I also support the death penalty and reform of our probation and parole systems to provide more support and supervision.--Whoa..he's taken a definitive stance on the death penalty. Shit, I don't think I have a bad thing to say about you want my views on the death penalty and why I support it, I'll be happy to address that in another post. I am however extremely shocked to see his support of it. He always struck me a John Denver lovey dovey type...

I support keeping drugs out of the United States and vigorous prosecution of drug sales. I also support greater funding for drug treatment and alternatives to incarceration for nonviolent offenders such as drug courts. --Really I can't say I support this statement. I'm of the opinion that if you want to fuck yourself up, knock yourself out. Now, vigorous prosecution of selling to children..I support that. To me this kind of statement is still a stand against freedom. If you want to fuck yourself up, go ahead, and if you hurt other people we'll throw the book at you. But hey, he's making a step in the right direction.

I support higher pay for teachers, especially in low-income schools; smaller high schools: afterschool programs; offering a free year of college at a public university to students who work 10 hours per week; and other education measures. --I support higher pay for teachers...smaller high schools, SOME after school programs...but how exactly does he plan to get the money? The free year at college? I'd like to hear more about sounds good..but there could be a problem I'm just not seeing.

I support job training programs, an increase in the minimum wage, greater protection for unionization, and greater help for Americans balancing work and families. --Hmm..job training programs...that's good. Not everyone is cut out for college...and maybe this is a step into accepting an apprenticeship type program in certain jobs. I mean, do you REALLY need to go to 4 years of school to learn to be a plumber? Again, this sounds good, but it does say he he'll support measures assuring these things, but will he instigate any? Is this a priority to him and how high? Just curious more than anything.

I support affirmative action. --I don't. AA was great and needed..but it can't stay forever. There comes a time when it must be phased out. Either your equal, or you get special considerations. These days there are other ways to be sure that someone less qualified and white does not get a job a more qualified black person should get. I'm sorry, but real equality has to start somewhere, and now's better than later. These days the boosts they give to black people to get in college seems more insulting to me. They are effectively saying black people are not up to the same standards as white. I have faith in the black people...I have faith they are up to the same standards as I am and I think it's past time to remove AA and allow black people to surpass the rather insulting standards we have for them.

Unlike President Bush, I support strong environmental protection, higher CAFE standards, protection of ANWR, and American leadership in the world's battle against global warming. --I agree with what the statment is saying for the most part. However, two small bones to pick here..and they are small, and seemingly petty, but if we don't hold our government officials up to some standard of behavior, then they'll just stay as shitty as they are now. 1. Did we really need the "Unlike President Bush"? Seems a bit catty, most of us are well aware the contempt he shows for our environment. Be above that. 2. WTF is with American leadership? Why do WE have to be the ones that lead the world? Why not, I don't know, just work together? For a country supposedly based on freedom and equality, we sure spend an inordinate amount of effort trying to be above the rest of the fuckin' world.

I believe the right to bear arms is protected by the Second Amendment. I also support reasonable measures to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, including closing the gun show loophole and vigorously enforcing gun laws. --Yay! Someone who wants to leave our guns alone! Look, for those of you watching the Jalestra network: I don't know how you got the absolutely retarded idea that banning guns in this country is going to make guns go away. If you take the guns away from the good guys, only the bad guys will have guns. And while gun crime MAY, MAY go down (due to limiting the ways of getting a gun), the same assholes bound to use them, will still get them. So all your doing is taking those people on the fence off...and then we get to wait until they go crazy in a different, more creative way. I don't like guns either, I think they are stupid. But just because the guns are stupid, doesn't mean I have to be. Another secret, if you EDUCATE your child about guns, they very very very rarely actually shoot someone on accident. If you notice, accidental shootings by children finding guns only increased in the last 15 years...WHEN PARENTS QUIT EDUCATING. Now, I DO agree there is really no reason for the average citizen to have those nice extreme automatic weapons. However, I believe we have the right to those as well. While we may all like to believe we're all too civilized for war(Yeah, right), IF we ever do get a leader bent on turning us into a police state, only our ability to fight back will save us. And I do believe that at some point in the future...there will be another American revolution. *shrugs* It's human nature..

I support a health care plan that would cover every child and millions of vulnerable adults, and also bring down health costs for all Americans. I support a strong Patients Bill of Rights, prescription drug benefit in Medicare, and stem cell research. --WTF do we need health insurance for anyhow. Did you guys know that once upon a time you only got health care to protect you if something really serious happened? And that health care costs were cheaper? Some of us don't really care to pay protection money to the health insurance mafia...Why not lower health costs???

I support policies that welcome immigrants and protect our security, including an earned legalization program for those who work hard and play by the rules. --If you don't support a statement like this you're an asshole or a bigot (or both). We can't shut ourselves off from the world. It'll just make us Christians...some of you might like that, the rest of us are crying now.

I will reorient U.S. assitance toward supporting open societies, giving more aid to nongovernmental bodies, and cutting assistance to dictators uninterested in democracy and upholding human rights. --Ok, I a point. Why do they have to be interested in democracy? Our form of government is not the best for everyone. If someone has a peaceful monarchy..knock yourself out. Theocracy's scare me, but if some country OTHER THAN AMERICA can pull it off with decency and peace, go ahead. NONE OF MY BUSINESS.

To rebuild Iraq, I will immediately turn over oversight of the civilian authority to the United Nations. The U.S. must play a central role in helping Iraq become safe and secure. I will work with our military to ensure that we have the right mix of forces to handle counter-insurgency and peace enforcement operations, and that we have enough forces on the ground to do the job. I would also involve NATO immediately, with the goal to eventually placing NATO in charge of Iraq's security. I will establish specific timetables to transfer authority to the Iraqis to give them more control over their economy, civilian authority, and security, and to help them create a new government that defends their freedom and represents their diversity. And I will establish an independent oversight commission to ensure that the contract process is competitive, fair, and transparent.--Hmm.. sounds good...draw up some more specifics and get back to me.

For more information about my positions on a range of issues, I urge you to read my detailed, 60-page policy booklet, "Real Solutions for America," which is available at

It all sounds good. Maybe it is. I'll take a look over his voting record and we'll move along.

Wow...not too impressed with his voting record. There were some very important votes that he just did't vote on for some reason or another. Scared to rock the boat? Didn't want to alienate someone? Hmm..I'm really not sure what to do about this...his voting record is sketchy and, to me, a bit suspicious. I don't feel John Edwards has been properly tested for being our president. Seems like he has a lot of talk, not so much to back it up....

So, I'd vote John Edwards before Hillary Clinton, but neither is *my* candidate. Kind of a shame..I voted for Kerry in the last election so I was already more positively inclined to John Edwards than any of the other candidates...I feel kind of disappointed...


Anonymous said...

Good words.