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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Jesus was a hippie

Hippies rebelled against established institutions, criticized middle class values, opposed the Vietnam War. Hippies opposed "political and social orthodoxy", choosing a "gentle and nondoctrinaire" politics that favored "peace, love, and personal freedom.". They perceived the dominant culture as a corrupt, monolithic entity that exercised undue power over their lives, calling this culture "The Establishment," "Big Brother," or "The Man."

I'm so tired of Christians. "You dayumned libruls..." Guess what, Jesus (if he existed) would be a "librul". He loved everyone, fought the man, and believed in peace. He opposed war and the establishment. He had long hair and would have lived in a commune(with his disciples, if it wasn't for that whole traveling thing). And y'know the man could have thrown a party with that whole water into wine thing.

But he still would not have voted for Hillary Clinton.