Demo Site

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Voters are morons

Ok so apparently some of you don't know how this voting thing works. I'm already hearing some really stupid shit for the 2008 race. Let's go ahead and get this ongoing bitchfest started.

1. If you vote for a candidate who has agrees with your "key issue" and that's it, not only are you a moron, but you're a selfish jackass not interested in America, only in your life in America.

2. If you vote for a candidate only because he follows your belief system (religious or otherwise), not only are you moron, but you're NOT an American. Read your Constitution, 1st Amendment, y'know that AMERICAN document that we have to study in history class?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

What that actually means is our government at any level cannot ENDORSE a religion. That does NOT mean you can't practice yours. It's just not the government's job to interfere. And those government funded schools can't back religion either. America is diverse. Many people, many systems of belief. A nation for all to come to and be free of persecution. Not ONE religion be free, ALL are free. I would NEVER endorse a candidate who wanted to eliminate religion, please respect me and don't vote for one that would FORCE me into a religion, or your religions idiotic views on what's "right".

3. This is not about YOU. This is about EVERYONE that lives in this country. I know YOU don't want to be exposed to outside ideas, I suggest you stay home. The gays have a right to marriage, children, and *gasps* interaction without threat. The blacks have the same. So do christians, catholics, satanists, methodists, pagans, smokers, the child "free", the parents, the men, the women. If you want the freedom to decide what's best for YOU, I suggest you not vote for people who are in favor of curtailing the rest of us. If a dictator gets in charge and does something YOU don't like, you are no better off than the rest of us,and we will not let you in the revolution. Assuming anyone can get the balls up to have one.

4. If you vote for Hilary Clinton because she's a woman, or Barack Obama because he's black, it doesn't matter if one of them actually happens to work out, you are still an idiot. Somehow I just can't buy into that being an intelligent decision. Just because a broken watch has the correct time twice a day doesn't change the fact that it's broke. You deserve to be shot. And while *I* won't shoot you, I'm not above cheering if someone else does.

5. For you authoritorian followers, (don't ask me what it is, use YOUR brain and look it up...however you may have to do some simple math first so you don't blow a gasket when all those gears kick back in), nothing will change you. You're fuckin' morons on a mission, any mission, do me a favor and find a nice Kool-Aid camp. The guy holding the jug is very very nice and everyone gets free drinks!

I REALLY REALLY hate people, especially at this time. If the backbiting doesn't kill you, the "American" people will.