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Thursday, February 22, 2007

I'm sooo vacationing in the UK

Ok, gotta post the whole article here, but link up top too!

Fat Fighters: We Couldn't Make This Stuff Up
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
The obesity panic fueled
by crazed food activists is now spreading across the ocean.
Today Marks & Spencer, one of Britain's largest grocery store chains, announced its plan to hire 1,500 food police to patrol supermarket aisles and lecture shoppers on the contents of their carts. Reminiscent of grade-school Hall Pass Monitors, these health food patrols will donofficial Healthy Eating Adviser badges while harassing customers about the fat, sugar, and salt levels of their purchases. Not to be outdone, retail competitor Sainsbury's has launched its own set of gastro guards to walk the beat. And the store donated £3 million ($5.9 million) to MEND (Mind, Exercise, Nutrition and Do It!), a government sponsored program that trains "food advisors" and deploys them at stores and classrooms. With more patrols, police, and monitors filtering into every aspect
of life, the United Kingdom's big brother looks increasingly like a vice
The English city of Bolton is a prime example. The city's director of
public health admitted to the town's local paper that "just providing
information on healthy lifestyles is not enough." Instead, officials rely on
strong-arming citizens through community initiatives. So Bolton health and education officials have teamed up to deploy squads of fat fighters and surveillance teams to local schools. Taking from the workload of local bullies, these groups will actually pull kids out of class for mandatory
The Center For Consumer Freedom is a nonprofit coalition supported
by restaurants, food companies, and consumers, working together to promote
personal responsibility and protect consumer choices.

It's gonna be great! I'm going to camp out in the grocery stores waiting for someone to get punched! I swear there will be at least ONE riot and I sure don't want to miss it!

And I swear by all that's existing in this world, if anyone EVER tries this shit on me or yanks my kid out of class for a fuckin' weigh in there will be HELL to pay. Revelations will look like a fuckin' vacation resort utopia. Of course, America is right behind in this kind of fucked up shit so we're not far.

NYC councilman asks: How much caffeine?

Schools tag out contact games

FCC wants to regulate TV violence

So much for "America". What choices?